5 Things I’m grateful for

1. My wife Laura – I paid her $50 if she could last 1/2 hour without talking last night (seriously, she won and I was a happy man to pay up)…but I love that woman.  Plus we laugh together….all the time..


2. My daughter Talia

– Feel the touch of a 9 month olds open hand on your cheek and feel the hand of God.


3. My home – I worked my buns off to provide a home for my family, and although it’s no palace, it’s a great place, and I feel like I enter the “no stress zone” every time I come home at night.

4. My family – I actually CHOSE to live in the same town as my brother.  Crazy right? Wrong.  He and his gorgeous family rule.  We all dig spending our Sundays together, and we even invite my PARENTS! For my Mother’s 60th Birthday we’re sending my parents to Sciacca, Sicily – the town of origin for my Mother’s family.  Family is EVERYTHING. We surprised her.  Priceless..


5. My job – I work with some of the smartest people in the online world, and they’re nice to me.  Not sure what I did to deserve that?   

Life is good people.  take a minute to list your top 5…I promise, you’ll feel great afteward!

4 Responses to 5 Things I’m grateful for

  1. monachammas says:

    What is this, Thanksgiving 😉

    5 things… here goes

    1) My family. They rock for welcoming me back home after all these years abroad.
    2) My career. I’m very grateful for the CEO of Impact BBDO in Beirut for realizing the potential in me to do something great, and endowing me with such a responsibility.
    3 Twitter and social media. For allowing me to showcase my thoughts, my aspirations, my opinions and paving a journey of thought leadership for me.
    4) My country. For opening its arms back to me, helping me realign myself, my balance, my element. Providing me with good weather, amazing food, great culture and a lot of gumption.
    5) My mentors. Believing me me. Guiding me. Support.

  2. cdessi says:

    Awesome Mona!

  3. Dad says:

    It’s now 301 views. You never cease to amaze me. You sure I am your Dad. In any event, Mom and I never wanted money, fame etc. All we wanted is for you and your brother to grow up to be loving responsible people. If I haven’t said it in the past, let me say it now. You and the family you have made have exceeded our wildest expectation. We love you, Laura and of Course “t” very much!

  4. $50 for 1/2 hr wow I have to try that, thanks Chris!

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