Cornell Executive MBA Program

November 10, 2008


Last week I had the opportunity to attend the Cornell Johnson School EMBA information session at the Cornell Club in Midtown.  


Recently I’ve been assessing my standing in my career, and I’ve been able to point out weaknesses that I need to address.  I’ve been blessed to have a phenomenal undergraduate experience at Loyola College in Maryland.  Upon graduating with a BA in Psychology I quickly determined that I needed to enhance my education in business.  I then attended NYU’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies – receiving an MS in Direct Marketing by the time I was 24 years old.  I had laser focus and determination to succeed, but little or no on the job experience.  I’m going to be 34 years old in February, and after pushed myself in my career, I’m at a point where I am so thirsty for knowledge that I need more.  More direction – more structure, and more information.  I continue to devour business books, (both audio and print)…but I find that it’s just not enough. The interactive industry moves much too fast to become complacent. I’m more motivated to create something worthwhile now than ever before. I know that I have so much to learn, and I see no other institution better to provide that path than Cornell University. 


I’m hoping to gain acceptance into the program for the July session.   This program is highly unique with a true weekend format.  This provides the ability to learn, and not have the program cut into your work schedule whatsoever.

Goals, Audiobooks, and EMBA’s

November 10, 2008

I know I mentioned on this blog that I’m a bit obsessed with audiobooks.  I’m thirsty for knowledge and I find that I can ingest the greatest volume of information as efficiently as possible in this format.  

Recently I’ve been listening to another great audiobook called Goals! How to Get Everything You Want Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible by Brian Tracy. Setting Goals, seems like an obvious thing for professionals to do, but not everyone sits down and actually maps out what they’d like to achieve. I try to do this as often as possible.  Trust me – it’s not as easy as you think, and it will challenge you to focus on what you really want.  Give it shot.

Another audiobook that I’ve been “re-listening” to (I tend to go over the ones I really like a few times over the course of months). is:  Today Matters: 12 Daily Practices to Guarantee Tomorrow’s Success

Jon C Maxwell discusses in this book how leaders are readers of themselves.  He addresses the value of introspection, and self analysis.  I continually address my own strengths, skills, weaknesses and current state of mind.  Recently while doing this, it dawned on me that I’m a perfect candidate for an EMBA program.  So I aggregated as much information on the topic as possible, and began to hone in on the Cornell EMBA program here in New York.  Last week I attended an information session, and I’m in the process of filling out the application.  I also met with the Dean of the Fordham University EMBA program.  As I evaluate which program will suite my needs I’ll look to see which will help me develop new skills, fill in gaps in my current ability, and reinforce, and cultivate my strengths.  Although I already hold an MS in Direct Marketing from NYU, I understand that I received this degree when I was much younger, and with much less responsibility in my work environment.  Today as I find myself so thirsty for knowledge regarding management, I see an EMBA as the natural progression of my education.  Who knows what the future may hold, but I know for certain that I will continue to grow, and change – because without change – there can be no growth.  I not only commit to change, but I seek it.   I know I’m not perfect, but I don’t hide those things from myself.  I confront them head on, and evaluate how to improve them. I hope that you do too.