We Can Only Appreciate the Good After We’ve been Faced with Bad

March 20, 2009

I just returned from a head clearing heart pounding 6mile run.  It’s amazing how much clearer your thinking becomes when you’re challenging your body.  I’m in the middle of day 4 after losing my job, and I’m already making some big moves.  It’s fascinating to step back and be witness to the emotional rollercoaster of job loss.  That coupled with our lovely little recession we’re experiencing hasn’t exactly helped my spirits, but it hasn’t gotten me so down either.


I’ve been really down before.  I’ve faced some minimal adversity in my life, and I’m thankful every day for that.  I know in my heart that I wouldn’t appreciate the good things in my life if I were never faced with the “percieved bad”.    I say “perceived bad” because I mean really, how bad is it?  Nobody is dying here.  🙂

Take inventory today. I’m mean really, seriously take inventory.  While I was running I thought of the many things I can be thankful for:

1. I’m able to run 6miles!

2. The seasons are changing and you can almost smell the baseball in the air – GO YANKS!

3. My daughter’s birthday is on April 14th!  


If a guy on day 4 of joblessness in the midst of a sh*tty recession can be grateful, than you really have no excuse to complain today!

A New Beginning

March 18, 2009

Thursday Miva was acquired by AdKnowledge, Inc. This is phenomenal news for the talented folks running Miva Direct.  Robert Roe and Mark Ribaudo have a vision for the Miva Direct team that I’m excited to see come to fruition in the coming weeks.  I won’t be a part of that vision because this Monday I was let go.  This is the best thing to happen for me.  This is an opportunity for growth, learning and expansion.  I worked very hard in the months that I spent at Miva Direct and I hope that the team experiences nothing but success.  They all deserve the best.  Now, I must start the journey to look for my next challenge.  

Today, I’m bursting with ideas, happiness, and a feeling that everything happens for a reason.  I’ve decided that I will take some time to be with my family and decide the best opportunity for us. A hasty decision is dangerous, and I want to ensure that I make a decision to move from a pure place, and not a place that is based in financial concern.  

There is so much opportunity in front of me, and I’m excited that this is an opportunity for me to “practice what I preach”.  I have posted on here before regarding the recession, and our perception of the world around us when we’re in the midst of a recession.   Some responded saying that my outlook was unreasonable and much too positive.  I disagree.  Life is not an enemy.  I don’t want war.  I want peace, love and a non hostile environment.  My relationship with the present moment is not a means to an end.  I see my present moment as the only thing that I have.  Life is inseparable from the now.  Now, life is abundant.

  • Now, I have the love of a phenomenal woman.  
  • Now, I have a daughter that is celebrating her first birthday next month, and brings pure joy to my life.2416575556_74337bb7cf_m1
  • Now, I have a family and friends that have reached out to me with love, support and encouragement.  

How lucky am I?

I see the disfunction in grasping for the future, of reacting to the panick of unemployment.  This will not support a smooth transition into a new role. This will only support decision making that is fear based. This won’t help me find a role that is a fulfilling career move.  I may find a “job”, but not an environment where I can be surrounded by like minded positive people.  Life’s much too short for me to seek only financial success.  I’ve seen the danger of this mentality. My actions today are empowered by my intention to do good, act for the good of the people I encounter in my life, and the refusal to feel bitter, rejected, or down.   Too many of us are unaware that we have an inner wisdom of intuition that guides us.  Today is a day I’ve never lived before, and I’m glad to be alive today.  I give to life what I expect life to give to me. I love life.  

Out of this situation, only good will come.

Stop Complaining

January 24, 2009

Bad news, bad economy, bad lay-offs, bad bosses, bad companies, and bad people.  

So what.  find your bootstraps and pick yourself up by em’ (credit Noelle Mullin)  I’m hitting my breaking point for bad news, and I want to talk about it. Truthfully, it’s not that bad. You have your health, you have your friends, you have your family.  Start from there, and start to give thanks.  It’s easy to complain, and whine and moan. It’s difficult to look on the bright side. It’s terrifying to be the most excited guy in the room.  It’s horrible to storm out of the room charging and realize that nobodies behind you. So what. You can do it, you have the ability the talent and the support. Life isn’t about the house you live in. You’re not your car. You’re not your clothes.  Be great to people. Love them. Unconditionally. Give thanks – daily.  I promise you it will get better.  

Once again I need to thank Gary Vaynerchuk for the inspiration here. This guy is a tornado of positivity. I’m SURE he’s feeling the economic downturn with his business.  I’m SURE he’s tired from all of the travelling he does.  I’m SURE he COULD complain – but he doesn’t. It’s counter productive.  Be positive – you have a lot to be grateful for.  Sit and think about it. You’re breathing right?  AWESOME!  You’re reading this aren’t you?  AWESOME!   


Life is FANTASTIC!!!

Top 10 Events of 2008

December 29, 2008

After reviewing my rather stuffy list of predictions for 2009 (albeit laser accurate, I guarantee it)… something was missing.  So, after no demand whatsoever – here’s a list of things that only effected me and my family.  I’m going to make you sit through it because I think some of these things could effect your life too (seriously)

Drum role please – here are the top 10 events of 2008 – from my perspective, regardless their bearing on personal, or business events:

10.  Moving into our Townhouse.  Scary as hell, but well worth it.  Chappaqua rocks, and my baby girl has her own bedroom.  Cool, very cool


9.  A New job! Miva Direct, Alot.com – After learning more at Azoogle than I think I can truly comprehend this early in my career (special thanks to Don Mathis, Alex Zhardanovsky, Joe Speiser and Brett Lofgren), and then experiencing on of the most intense roller coaster rides of my career at zanox, I’ve very happily landed at Miva Direct (a division of Miva Inc), and parent to our flagship brand http://www.alot.com. I’m revisiting my direct marketing roots, and I’m fired up to come into work again…priceless.

8. A new business – Dadzilla.tv (should be ready to rumble late Q1, 2009)dadzilla-mockup

7. Web 2.0 Expo –  This is where I learned about Gary Vaynerchuk, and winelibrary.tv, www.etsy.com, mzinga and the the concept of “We are greater than Me”

6. Techcrunch50 – the conference was broadcast live on Ustream.com.  I watched every minute, and loved every minute.  Some favorites – www.akoha.com, and www.fitbit.com stand out.

5.   The Secret – It may be psycho-babble to some people, but the road to self help began with watching the Secret.  It was a defining wake up call for a guy that was fine with being mediocre.  Since viewing, I’ve become a Vice President, made more money in the past three years than the previous 5 of my career, bought a townhouse in a phenomenal town (see number 10), and started meditating.  Suffice to say mediocrity is no longer on the agenda.

4.  A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose (Oprah’s Book Club, Selection 61)
This brilliant book has changed the way I perceive the world.  If reading and seeing the Secret was the appetizer, A New Earth was the main course.  I highly recommend it.  The concepts are at times a bit obtuse, but it will always have you thinking.

3.  UFC – Ultimate Fighter Season 5
– Although it seems like an odd one, I’m hooked.  I’m impressed with the athletes, and at the same time intrigued by Dana White and his business acumen.  I’m a huge fan.

2. John and Kate Plus 8 – Let’s take a look at the total antithesis of Ultimate Fighting – John and Kate Plus 8.  A reality show about a family that (although they already had twins), decided to try for another, and ended up with sextuplets.  If you ever feel that you’re overwhelmed at work, with family etc.  Watch the show, and admire the manner in which these two sleep deprived parents can communicate and parent without killing each other.   A must watch for any parent. Plus the kids are adorable.  This show will certainly put you in a good mood.

1. Talia Ann Dessi – Magic, just magic.  From being there when she was born, to watching her notice her hands for the first time, my perfect daughter has taught me how to see the world through a whole new set of eyes, and for that I’m forever in her debt.  She’s pure joy, pure light, and the best thing I’ve ever done in my life.t

Happy New Year everyone!

The First 100 Days

November 6, 2008

We all understand that the first days on a new job are critical, but how many have taken it a step further, and articulated what goals and objectives you have for yourself and your organization throughout those 100 days.  I’ve already started the ball rolling, and will spend the next week and 1/2 doing the following:

1. Absorbing information

  • Currently I’m reviewing and learning about MIVA, and Alot.com

2. Defining challenges ahead

  • My direct manager Mark Ribaudo, Vice President Sales & Marketing and I will review all challenges, and attempt to define anything throughout that process that may creep up later.  I’m looking for the support of the MIVA team to feel comfortable offering as candid feedback as possible.  Sharing what may need to be changed, and what has worked in the past.  Feedback, and open lines of communication are key.

3. Assessing management 

  • We’re setting up meetings that will happen throughout my first weeks on the job for management to meet and assess my skills, and to see how well I fit into the corporate culture, as well as give me an opportunity to answer any questions they may have about me, my past, or my agenda for the future of MIVA and Alot.com.

4. Preparing emotionally and physically

  • I am a spiritual and physically active person.  I practice Yoga, Meditate, Run competitively, and lift weights.  I believe that these activities help to keep me focused, grounded and at my peak performance at all times.   It will be imperative that I continue my workout regime, continue to attend mass (which I just recently started to do again after my daughter’s christening), and  stay as healthy as possible throughout this sprint of my first 100 days.

A solid foundation throughout this time, will help to propel MIVA into 2009.  I have so much to learn, and so many smart, dynamic people to meet in the coming weeks.  I really cannot wait to get started!