5 Reasons why I need an Assistant to manage my Social Networks

February 2, 2009


I need an assistant.

Prerequisites for the position:

1. Remembering – Must be able to keep all of my passwords, names of former colleagues for Linkedin.com, former high school classmates for facebook.com, and anyone I’ve met at a Web2.0 conference for Twitter.com

2. Pretending – to Be nice to my friends  when they send me a message on Facebook – Actually, my assistant needs to pretend to like me, because I’m the one hitting up all of my old high school friends – what can I say I’m addicted…

3.  Tracking – Keep an eye out for me on Twitter to see if anyone I’m following is actually saying anything worth reading, or GASP re-tweeting

4. Writing. You must enjoy doing lots of it. Which means you must be witty and a good speler (get it)… – ie, facebook updates can’t be mundane –

Chris Dessi is: on my way home from work  = BAD

Chris Dessi is: enjoying speaking about himself in the third person=BETTER

You get the idea…

5. Gushing – Must be able to ramble on and on about how wonderful my daughter is.  This is my most predominant running theme in all of my online social endeavors, and I just can’t keep up.   Take pic, upload pic, tag friends in pics….repeat.

I need a nap.


Gary Vaynerchuk – Online Man of the Year 2008?

December 24, 2008

Question:  Who inspired you this year?

My answer:  Gary Vaynerchuk

I’m a wine neophite, yet I find myself watching Gary’s online reviews obessesively.  I like to think of myself as a positive, motivated, focused guy yet Gary’s online activity (endless tweets on twitter), and non stop production of killer content makes me question my own  work ethic (this is a good thing).  When everyone in our industry is freaking out about layoffs, and who they’re going to point the finger at Gary’s message never wanes  “love, hustle, family”….

This guy is what the online industry should all aspire to be.   How can you not love a guy that decided to proclaim a “Good People Day”.…awesomegary-masthead

When I saw Gary deliver this keynote at Web 2.0Expo it changed my life.  Seriously.  Watch it.  Then watch it again.  I even made my parents watch it.  I made my colleagues watch it.

I nominate Gary Vaynerchuk as Online Man of the Year 2008