Beer Goggles for Email?

February 4, 2009

If you didn’t think the folks over at Google were geniuses before, think again.  I just came across an article on Reuters indicating that Google is offering a Gmail feature called “Mail Goggles”

logo“Mail Goggles” helps users avoid sending regrettable email or Gchat messages, an instant messaging system, by making them pass a simple math test before sending.


Genius…pure, simple genius.  Great ideas are the ones that seem so obvious that you slap your forehead when someone else releases them.  I’m sure this has been thought of before (I remember sitting around in college dreaming about phones with breathalyzer tests after having made one too many drunken calls to an ex). 

I’m sure this handy little application will save a few jobs (breathe and try to solve a math problem before you rip off that ticked off email to your boss, or high maintenance client).  I’m also certain it’ll save more than a few relationships (hasty break up messages, or even inappropriate notes to exes will be hindered).  Alcoholics of the world rejoice…2934569828_36bc079b36_m

Google – not being evil, and helping you keep your reputation intact. 
