April 5, 2009

This past week Jamie Varon of “Twittershouldhireme.com” fame was featured in Fortune Magazine.  While Jamie and I have spoken before (considering I’ve shamelessly copied her wonderful idea to appeal to Twitter directly for employment), I only learned of the news from one of her ecstatic “tweets” regarding the coverage.  I was obviously super excited to see that my copy cat site “Facebookshoulhireme.com” was mentioned in the article as well.   Who would have thought that I’d have to be unemployed to get a mention in Fortune.  Outstanding! Oh yeah, if you’re reading this – follow me on Twitter!  @cdessi

What Varon did next made her feel a little crazy. But then, it’s a crazy time to be looking for a job. She created a website called twittershouldhireme.com, including her resume, recommendations, and a blog tracking her quest. Within 24 hours the company contacted her. She had a lunch meeting set up at Twitter, and in the meantime got two job offers from tech companies that had noticed her site, which has even spawned imitators: googleshouldhireme.com and facebookshouldhireme.com.

Check out the full article HERE – or just click on Jamie’s image:
